Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been heralded as the miracle treatment in the medical world, but how effective is it really? The beauty industry has taken notice and many treatments are now using PRP therapy to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, tighten skin, promote hair growth, and reduce pain. But does it really work? Read on to learn more about platelet rich plasma therapy and how you can take advantage of this exciting new trend!
What Is Platelet Rich Plasma?
Platelet-rich plasma therapy, or PRP therapy, is a type of non-surgical cosmetic procedure that was initially introduced in 1992 as a treatment for osteoarthritis. In recent years, the field has blossomed into an industry with applications ranging from facial rejuvenation to hair loss treatments.
How Does PRP Work?
Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a procedure that involves drawing blood from a patient and separating out its platelets. These platelets contain concentrated growth factors, which promote healing. These growth factors can then be injected into any injured tissue site in order to regenerate or accelerate the healing process. This includes joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and skin among other types of tissue that has been damaged by injury or disease.
Are There Any Side Effects of PRP?
This depends on the individual and their underlying medical conditions. For example, side effects can include pain or an infection. However, PRP treatments are still widely considered to be safe with minimal side effects.
Is There Anything Else You Should Know?
PRP therapy involves injecting platelets harvested from your own blood into a patient’s skin or hair follicles to stimulate healing. Theoretically, PRP can help accelerate wound healing and growth for optimal outcomes with minimal downtime. Unlike many other treatments, there are no known side effects from PRP and it has been found to be an effective treatment for various conditions that range from ulcers and burns to joint pain, hair loss, acne scarring, wrinkles and more.
Where Can I Get PRP Injections?
Local dermatologists offer PRP injections as a cosmetic treatment for all skin types, even dark skin. Dermatologists have been using the procedure for years to help people who suffer from hair loss and acne. A doctor will take a small amount of your blood, mix it with a special solution, and inject it into your skin. The concentrated platelets are believed to kickstart collagen production.